GaiGaiLun Thought
GAI language school
高级语言学派 /国际语言组织)
(Advanced Language School
International language organization)

  高级语言学派是一所大学(学问),没有大楼的大学,全世界的超一流大学(学问)。推动人类语言发展到高级阶段,为世界历史进步到高度文明的历史阶段创造语言条件。  我的网站只有一个内容:我发表一个美好善良的伟大的心愿,创立国际语言组织,推动人类语言进步,推动世界历史发展到高度文明的历史阶段。这个网站实际是一封书信,是我写给各国领导人的建议书。我把创立国际语言组织推动人类语言进步的心愿写成建议书,发给各国领导人。我争取联系到一个国家接受我的想法,成为国际语言组织创始国。
  自从腾讯公司诬陷诽谤我恶意欺诈各国领导人之后,我的建议书暂时停止发给中国领导人。我等待中国政府对腾讯公司严肃处理之后,再考虑是否发给中国领导人。  请世界各地的人保存我网站文章,我网站随时可能被坏人破坏,无法访问。如果本网站被破坏,请等待一些时间再访问,我会修复网站。如果等待一些天的时间,我没有修复网站,那么,我可能被关进监狱,或者我已经死了。如果我被关进监狱或者我死了,那么,我授权欧洲人和美国人代表我继续未完成的创立国际语言组织的伟大理想。 国际语言组织创始人gaigailun,2020.9.28,中国北京
  This is the website of gaigaigailu, father of advanced language school, founder of international language organization. This is a University (knowledge), university without buildings, advanced language school, the world's top university (knowledge). Promoting the development of human language In the second stage, language conditions were created before the world history progressed to a highly civilized stage There is only one content in this website: I publish a great wish of goodness and beauty, establish an international language organization, promote the progress of human language, and promote the development of world history to the historical stage of high civilization. This website is actually a letter. It's me A proposal to leaders of all countries. I wrote a proposal for the establishment of an international language organization to promote the progress of human language and sent it to the leaders of all countries. I tried to get in touch with a country to accept my ideas and become the founder of the international language organization. Since Tencent framed and slandered me and maliciously defrauded the leaders of other countries, my proposal was temporarily suspended from being sent to the Chinese leaders. After the Chinese government dealt with Tencent seriously, I would consider whether to send it to the Chinese leaders. Please guarantee Save website articles, this website may be damaged by bad guys at any time, unable to visit. If this website is damaged, please wait some time to visit again, I will repair the website. If I wait a few days and I don't fix the site, then I may be shut down Go to prison, or I'm dead. If I'm in jail or I die, then I empower Europeans and Americans to represent my unfinished great vision of creating an international language organization.

  Gaigailun founder of the international language organization 9,28,2020,Beijing,China
GAI School of thought
伟大主义学派 /世界思想大会)
(School of greatness
World Congress of ideas)



