
International language organization (under establishment)

Organización de idiomas internacionales (en su creación)

La Lingua Internazionale (Organizzazione fondata in)

Die Internationale Sprache Organisation (gründung)

Organisation internationale de la langue (création)

Организация "Международная языковая организация"

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  核心提示: Esto es un traductor de computadoras, original en chino, por favor, en el idioma original, en ...
    Esto es un traductor de computadoras, original en chino, por favor, en el idioma original, en el idioma original.Or, please look at the Chinese layout.

    I suggest that South Africa become the founding country of the international language organization

    The distinguished president of South Africa:
    In order to promote the progress of human language, I initiated the establishment of an international language organization. I suggest that South Africa should become the founder of the International Language Organization by providing shelter and diplomatic treatment to the International Language Organization.
    The establishment of international language organization in South Africa has many advantages for South Africa. South Africa will become the world's language holy land, the world's attention and respect, improve international status, increase international exchanges and friendship, and so on.
    The founding of the International Language Organization (ILO) is of great benefit to mankind. There are many linguistic problems and difficulties in today's world that need to be solved. Nowadays, language is still the continuation of ancient language in essence, far behind the economic and technological level. Language backwardness restricts the progress of human beings. Human beings should promote language progress on the basis of economic and technological development.
    Promoting the progress of human language is a great systematic project all over the world. It requires the joint efforts of all the people in the world, a global coordinating body and a platform, which is the need to create an international language organization. People all over the world use the platform of the International Language Organization (ILO) to raise questions, study problems, solve problems, promote significant progress in human language, and provide language conditions for human development to a more highly civilized historical stage.
    Since the birth of the International Language Organization (ILO), there has been a lot of work to be done. One of the most important things to do is to ask the world for proposals to promote the progress of human language. Everyone in the world can submit proposals. On behalf of the High Language School, I will submit a plan for the world to work together to create a high-level language. High-level language has the function, 1, high-level language will promote the development of human brain, thinking more agile, cognitive ability more powerful. 2. High-level languages will promote a more rational human knowledge system and make it easier and richer for human beings to master knowledge. 3. Advanced language carries forward the fine culture of all nations in the world, and human society will be more beautiful and noble. 4, advanced languages will promote the development of human potential. 5. High-level languages will be constantly upgraded according to the research results of linguistic science. 6. High-level languages can promote the evolution of human nature. It is the language that everyone must master. Only high-level languages are suitable for becoming the universal language in the world. Everyone masters his own mother tongue, but also the high-level language, international communication language is not natural to solve the problem. High level languages do not exclude languages from other countries. Advanced languages coexist with other languages in the world and complement each other.
    The high-level linguistic school was founded by me, and it is also my linguistic theory. It is mainly to study and explore such problems. When the human society develops to the historical stage of high civilization in the future, what kind of language is, how to promote the evolution of human language to the advanced stage, and how to create a high-level language is an attempt.
    The following is a brief introduction to the general situation of the establishment of the international language organization.
    I am Chinese. In 2008, I launched the International Language Organization in my personal capacity. My initiative was to publish the idea of establishing an international language organization to the whole world. I wrote a proposal for the establishment of an international language organization and sent it to leaders of all countries. I sought to reach out to a country that accepted my proposal to provide shelter and diplomatic treatment to the International Language Organization. As long as one country accepts my advice, the international language organization is born. Any country in the world can take my advice first, and the first country to accept my proposal becomes the founder of the International Language Organization, which is how the founder came into being.
    Respected President of South Africa, South Africa is a great country. I welcome the South African people to participate in the founding activities of the International Language Organization (ILO) and the academic research of the High School of Linguistics. I hope South Africa will become the founder of the International Language Organization (ILO). If South Africa accepts my suggestion, then the International Language Organization and South Africa will issue a joint communique announcing to the world the birth of the International Language Organization.
    The following annex is a draft of the joint communique I have written. I have signed it and you can sign it at any time. It is also issued through the news media at the time when South Africa will become the founder of the International Language Organization.

    International language organization
    Beijing China
    My contact information, China Mobile phone  13522514010  (wechat)

    International language organization and South Africa Joint Communique
    1. South Africa statement:
    At the request of the founder of the International Language Organization, Gaigailun, South Africa has provided the International Language Organization with shelter and diplomatic treatment, as well as the necessary facilities and support. In order to carry out the work of the International Language Organization as soon as possible, temporary accommodation is provided to the International Language Organization (ILO) before the formal housing construction is completed and put into use.
    Two, the international language organization statement:
    The International Language Organization (ILO) has established South Africa as the founder and permanent member, and the President of South Africa as the lifelong honorary chairman of the International Language Organization (ILO).
    After the residence provided by South Africa for the International Language Organization was handed over to the International Language Organization, the International Language Organization (ILO) established institutions, recruited staff, carried out various tasks, held founding celebrations, invited more countries to become members of the International Language Organization (ILO) and drafted the Statute of the International Language Organization (ILO). The number of Member States reached 30. The first member General Assembly will be held.
    Three, the two sides agreed that:
    This communique comes into force after being signed by the representatives of both parties. The date of publication of this Communique is the date of birth of the International Language Organization. This bulletin is a framework agreement, and the details of all aspects will be signed separately. The English name of the international language organization is International Language Organization.
    Compared with the development of economy and science and technology, the development of human language is backward. Human beings should promote the progress of language on the basis of the development of economy and science and technology. Language is the embodiment of human nature, language has made significant progress, human nature will also make significant progress, human will develop to a more highly civilized historical stage.
    Promoting the development of human language to a higher level is a great project for all mankind. It can not be done by one person or by one country. Only the international language organization can undertake this project.
    The basic situation of international language organizations:
    1. The purpose of the International Language Organization (ILO) is to promote the development of linguistic science worldwide and the progress of language for all mankind.
    2. The main task of the International Language Organization (ILO): A. To establish a worldwide platform for people all over the world to raise questions, study problems and solve problems in order to promote the progress of human language. B. Establish a global coordination mechanism to provide services for the communication, coordination and communication of language research around the world. Provide services for the protection and development of national languages around the world. Exchange views, reach consensus and provide services for all parts of the world. Wait. C. Developing and funding important linguistic research activities, rewarding people who have made significant contributions to human language progress, and conducting worldwide seminars, forums, and conferences on languages. Wait.
    3, the way of organizing international language organizations is to implement the national membership system.
    4. Institutions of International Language Organizations: Assembly of Member States; Council; Standing Council; Chairman; Secretariat; Academic Research Sectors: Research Institutions, Language Foundation, Language Progress Award Committee, World Language University; Committee for the Protection of National Languages; etc.
    5. The main characteristics of the International Language Organization: the international organizations established between countries, the organizations established and maintained by the strength of the member states, for the participation of the world organizations. Specializing in promoting the progress of language in all mankind.
    6. Status of the International Language Organization: Its status is determined by agreement between Member States and cannot be determined by internal registration in any country. The relationship between an international language organization and any country is diplomatic and does not belong to the internal jurisdiction of any country. The International Language Organization (ILO) belongs to all human beings. Everything in it represents all human beings. Everything in it is decided by all human beings.
    7, the funding of international language organizations: member states bear funding and receive donations from all over the world.
    Four, the joint communiques are signed by representatives of the international language organization and representatives of South Africa:
    The founder of international language organization
    Signature: gaigailun
    The representative of South Africa, President

    我的联系方式,中国移动电话 13522514010  (wechat)
        南非为国际语言组织提供的住所交给国际语言组织之后, 国际语言组织组建机构,聘任工作人员,开展各项工作,举行成立庆典,邀请更多的国家成为国际语言组织会员国,起草《国际语言组织章程》,会员国数量达到30个以上,筹备召开第一届会员国大会。
        本公报经过双方代表签署之后生效,本公报发表之日为国际语言组织诞生之日。本公报为框架性协定,各方面的细节情况将会另外签署文件进行规定。国际语言组织的英文名称是International Language Organization。

发布日期:2019/2/20    阅读 432 次

作者:gaigailun 来源:概概论
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